PART 1—Mental Wellness of Families of Essential Employees


The Anatomy of the First Responder & Essential Family

Join us for a look at the unique challenges that families of first responders face on a daily and sometimes hourly basis.  We will explore how the current pandemic is affecting the otherwise balanced system of “normal” family dynamics and how members of the family are processing  these stressors.

Meet — Dr. Dara Rampersad

Meet — Dr. Dara Rampersad

Dr. Dara Rampersad is a licensed psychologist in both Arizona and Hawaii, and specializes in first responder crisis intervention. He is certified in Crisis Intervention Teams (CIT) as a CIT Coordinator, and is trained in Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM), and FBI-Crisis Negotiator Teams (CNT). In addition, Dr. Rampersad is licensed as a professional counselor in Arizona and Colorado, and is nationally board certified in counseling, with over 20 years of experience in the mental health field.  As a past Senior Director of crisis services for an integrated healthcare company, he led approximately 200 behavioral health crisis staff servicing over 4 million people in Arizona.

Brain Injury Association of Arizona

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