Our work would not be possible without you!
Look how far your donation goes!
- $40 — Covers the cost of one-hour, one-on-one support with a certified brain injury specialist
- $78 — Provides a family the resource materials and connections with community resources
- $122 — Pays for the care and feeding of an assistance pet for one month
- $278 — Covers the cost of resources for an in-school support group
- $340 — Updates the Resource Center and Virtual Library on a regular basis
- $470 — Eligible Arizona State Tax Credit for single filer
- $567 — Supports BIA’s Concussion Prevention Clinic year!
- $938 — Eligible Arizona State Tax Credit for married, filing jointly
- $1,242 — Sends one TBI survivor to Camp Brain
- $2,600 —Covers the cost of a recovery support group for one year
Brain Injury Association of Arizona
5025 E. Washington St, Ste 106
Phoenix, Arizona 85034
QCO CODE: 22360
EIN 94-2937165
(888) 500-9165
(602) 508-8024 - OFFICE
(602) 508-8285 - FAX
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