Brain Injury Alliance of Arizona Blog

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What We Know for Certain About ASMR (and What We Don’t)

What We Know for Certain About ASMR (and What We Don’t)

People using their fingernails to lightly scrape blocks of chalk. A person flipping magazine pages. A person gently and methodically folding dinner napkins. These are all examples of the unique triggers that can induce ASMR, or Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response.

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The Power of Fun

The Power of Fun

Most relationships begin with dating, and dating should be fun! So if you’re a brain injury survivor who’s twitterpated over someone special, we’ve got a list of ideas for that perfect first date night.

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Tips for Fighting a Hard Fight in Brain Injury Survival

Tips for Fighting a Hard Fight in Brain Injury Survival

Joel Goldstein was a longtime caregiver to his son Bart, who sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in 2001. Joel and his wife Dayle learned many lessons through trial and error while supporting Bart, who grew from an adolescent survivor of brain injury into a beloved and vibrant young man.

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Returning to Work After Brain Injury

Returning to Work After Brain Injury

Returning to work after a brain injury is a huge milestone for survivors. It marks a return to normalcy after a period that may have included long-term hospitalization, physical rehabilitation, mental and emotional recovery and the resilience of adapting to a new normal.

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Brain Injury Association of Arizona

5025 E. Washington St, Ste 106
Phoenix, Arizona 85034

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EIN 94-2937165


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