Lip Lab in Scottsdale


Survivors of all types of brain injury are invited to honor National Concussion Awareness Day by creating a lipstick that honors your journey as a survivor.  You’ll be able to create one tube of lipstick, including picking the color, and scent, and naming it.

Lip Lab Scottsdale
in the Scottsdale Quarter

Friday, September 20th
12PM -2 PM

( Meet at 11:50 AM) 

After Lip Lab, you can join us for a sandwich and shake next door at JoJo’s Shake Bar. Known for their 80’s décor, sandwiches, and over-the-top desserts, you can nosh and enjoy great conversation on your own with your fellow survivors.

Please arrive on time to participate. The Lip Lab is a noisy environment that contains various scents associated with cosmetics. There is a parking garage approximately 10 yards from the store. Transportation is not available for this event.

Please reach out with any questions or to discuss if this event is a good fit for you and your recovery journey.


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