Brain Health Symposium for Professionals
Hope for the
open call for proposals
Open Call for Proposals — Workshop and Poster Presentation
The Brain Injury Alliance of Arizona is a 38-year-old statewide nonprofit dedicated to brain injury prevention and education, as well as supporting individuals with brain injuries and their families through resources, programs, and community support.
EVENT DATE: Thursday, March 3rd • 10AM to 4PM
LOCATION: Webinar, via ZOOM
Call for Workshop Proposals
You are formally invited to submit a proposal to present at our upcoming professionals symposium. We are actively seeking, but not limiting submissions to: brain injury and vision, neuroendocrinology, and pediatric brain injury.
General Information:
The symposium is scheduled for Thursday, March 3, 2022, and will be held virtually via Zoom.
- Workshops will be presented live via Zoom, followed by live Q&A time.
- Each workshop is 75 minutes long; typically, presenters will speak for 60 minutes with the final 15 minutes reserved for questions and answers.
- We will be applying for the following CEU’s for symposium attendees: CNE, Social Work, CHES, PT, PACE/CMM, and Nursing Care Admins & Assisted Living Facility Managers
- Presenters may not use a workshop session to promote a company, product(s), or service(s), either verbally or in writing.
- Presenters who are selected to speak at the symposium are expected to comply with all requirements and deadlines.
- Please complete a separate online submission form for each workshop/topic you would like considered by the committee.
Brain Health Symposium Workshop Proposal Submission
PROPOSALS MUST BE SUBMITTED ONLINE — The Symposium Planning Committee will review all proposals and contact you regarding the status of your submission. Please complete the form. If you have any questions, please e-mail Brittany Sweeney-Lawson
Call for Poster Presentations
You are formally invited to submit a proposal to present at our upcoming professionals symposium. We are actively seeking, but not limiting submissions to: brain injury and vision, neuroendocrinology, and pediatric brain injury.
General Information:
The symposium is scheduled for Monday, March 3, 2022, and will be held virtually via Zoom
- Poster presentations should run 2-4 minutes.
- Presenters may not use this session to promote a company, product(s), or service(s), either verbally or in writing.
- Presenters who are selected are expected to comply with all requirements and deadlines.
- Please complete a separate online submission form for each poster you would like considered by the committee.
Brain Health Symposium Poster Presentation Submission
PROPOSALS MUST BE SUBMITTED ONLINE — The Symposium Planning Committee will review all proposals and contact you regarding the status of your submission. Please complete the form. If you have any questions, please e-mail Brittany Sweeney-Lawson
Submission criteria is outlined in a separate document that can be downloaded below.
You may submit a proposal for a current research project, or for a project you completed for a previous class. Your project does not need to be complete upon submission of your abstract** but must be finished prior to the poster presentation itself.
You will receive an email confirmation upon receipt of your proposal, as well as an additional email notice regarding your proposal’s status after consideration by the Review Committee.
**An abstract is a comprehensive summary of your paper in which you briefly address the research problem, hypotheses, methods, results, and implications of your research. It is usually no longer than 250 words.
If your poster presentation (PowerPoint) is not yet complete, you can send it in a separate e-mail to Brittany Sweeney-Lawson.
If your PowerPoint file is larger than 7MB, use the free FTP service WeTransfer.com to send the presentation to resources@biaaz.org. NOTE: to use the free service, you do not need to create an account.

Contact Brittany Sweeney-Lawson, Project Manager
Email: resources@biaaz.org
Phone: 602-508-8024, ext. 103
Brain Injury Alliance of Arizona
5025 E Washington Street, Suite 106
Phoenix, AZ 85034
Brain Injury Association of Arizona
5025 E. Washington St, Ste 106
Phoenix, Arizona 85034
QCO CODE: 22360
EIN 94-2937165
(888) 500-9165
(602) 508-8024 - OFFICE
(602) 508-8285 - FAX
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