
Brain Injury Alliance of Arizona Blog

From TV’s “Survivor” To Young Professionals
Brain Health Advisory Council

Missy Byrd is on a mission to spread the word that having a brain injury shouldn’t stop survivors from pursuing their dreams. It certainly hasn’t stopped her.

Recently named to the Brain Injury Alliance of Arizona’s Young Professionals Brain Health Advisory Council, Missy continues to further her platform of telling her story and motivating others.

Missy doesn’t just “seize the day,” she seizes every day. In an effort to follow her own advice, she developed a tumor survivor’s bucket list, which includes owning a jeep (in-progress), seeing Beyonce in concert (check), and competing on the popular reality T.V. show Survivor (double-check)!

From TV’s “Survivor” To Young Professionals
Brain Health Advisory Council

Missy Byrd is on a mission to spread the word that having a brain injury shouldn’t stop survivors from pursuing their dreams. It certainly hasn’t stopped her.

Recently named to the Brain Injury Alliance of Arizona’s Young Professionals Brain Health Advisory Council, Missy continues to further her platform of telling her story and motivating others.

Missy doesn’t just “seize the day,” she seizes every day. In an effort to follow her own advice, she developed a tumor survivor’s bucket list, which includes owning a jeep (in-progress), seeing Beyonce in concert (check), and competing on the popular reality T.V. show Survivor (double-check)!

The Georgia native was a cadet on the Air Force Academy basketball team when she suffered a serious traumatic brain injury after taking a hit, and then getting kicked in the head during a game. She found herself dealing with memory loss, as well as trouble with bright lights, sense of direction, and time awareness.

What’s more, not very long thereafter, she was also diagnosed with a tumor on her pituitary gland. As a result, she experienced an entire new round of symptoms that were primarily hormonal. In addition to the angst most 20-somethings typically experience while discovering who they are and want to be, Missy was also trying to figure out what her mind and body needed so she could start feeling well.

These experiences have led her to her mantra, “Do what you want now instead of saving it for later, because sometimes later never comes.”

Missy doesn’t just “seize the day,” she seizes every day. In an effort to follow her own advice, she developed a tumor survivor’s bucket list, which includes owing a jeep (in-progress), seeing Beyonce in concert (check), and competing on the popular reality T.V. show Survivor (double-check)!

“[The show] was something I wanted to try out for but never found the time or the motivation to actually apply to,” she admits. “After my tumor, I said, ‘why not!’ and started the process.”

Another item she can now cross off the list includes living in Madrid, Spain for the better part of 2020, despite not knowing the language. She then traveled to Illinois to film Baking Up Love, a “supercool romcom” scheduled for a late August release on Pureflix. She’s now up for additional acting roles.

As a member of the Young Professionals Brain Health Advisory Council, Missy hopes to raise awareness and drive home the message that, “Even if [your injury] isn’t a concussion or a brain tumor, a brain injury can be affecting you. The Brain Injury Alliance of Arizona has helpful free resources. Don’t be afraid to reach out.”


The Brain Injury Alliance of Arizona (BIAAZ) is the only statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of adults and children with all types of brain injuries through prevention, advocacy, awareness and education. BIAAZ also houses the Arizona Brain Health Resource Center, a collection of educational information and neuro-specific resources for brain injury survivors, caregivers, family members and professionals.

What began in 1983 as a grassroots effort has grown into a strong statewide presence, providing valuable life-long resources and community support for individuals with all types of brain trauma at no charge.

The Brain Injury Alliance of Arizona:

  • Works with Congressional Brain Injury Task Force
  • Houses Arizona Brain Health Resource Center
  • Hosts Statewide Opioid Use Disorder & Cognitive Impairment Workgroup
  • Has Statewide Opioid Use Disorder & Cognitive Impairment Response team with peer support, training, and family wraparound services
  • Facilitates Brain Health Advisory Council
  • Manages statewide Neuro Info-Line: 888-500-9165

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