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Navigating the Joy & Stress of the Holidays

with Mattie Cummins, LCSW

Holiday Stress

Fri, Dec 13th
11:00 AM (AZ/MST)


The end-of-year holidays are a happy time for many, but the season’s stress puts many of us on such an edge that sometimes we wish it would all just disappear. It can be a lot to navigate from managing interpersonal dynamics with family members to financial stressors and loneliness. Join us for a fun, informal holiday stress check-in as we listen to some savvy tips, tricks, and insights from one of our favorite social workers and brain coaches, Mattie Cummins of Cerebrations.

Holiday Stress

Navigating the Joy & Stress of the Holidays

with Mattie Cummins, LCSW

Friday, Dec 13th  11:00 AM (AZ/MST)


The end-of-year holidays are a happy time for many, but the season’s stress puts many of us on such an edge that sometimes we wish it would all just disappear. It can be a lot to navigate from managing interpersonal dynamics with family members to financial stressors and loneliness. Join us for a fun, informal holiday stress check-in as we listen to some savvy tips, tricks, and insights from one of our favorite social workers and brain coaches, Mattie Cummins of Cerebrations.

Mattie Cummins, LCSW, is a counselor, coach, and owner of Cerebrations LLC, with over 25 years’ experience in social work, counseling and coaching for people with anxiety, chronic pain, neurodiversity, and other life transitions. Mattie guides people on a journey to harness the power of whole-listic living to Master the Art of Thinking, and create a life of intention, authenticity and joy.

Mattie Cummins

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